Stepper motor drive Dunkermotoren RS 200

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Dunkermotoren Series RS200

• RS200 Electronic Control Unit is a transistor servo-controller for DC-motors with permanent-magnets
• The pulse-width operating mode of the electronic control unit enables high efficiency to be achieved, resulting in a compact design
• Needs one supply voltage to operate in a wide supply voltage range.
• Control unit can be directly mounted with its heatsink on a external mounting surface using four M3 screws
• Versatile mounting and easy external operation makes the RS200 servo-controller suitable for application in higher level open-loop and closed-loop controllers for positioning and other duties
• It is essential to provide matching to the connected motor before the RS200 Electronic Control Unit is switched on for the first time

Technical specifications
Series RS200
Product type Askelmoottoriohjain
Min. current (A) 7
Max. current (A) 15
Supply voltage 12-50V DC
Brand Dunkermotoren